Granville Street's Fountain of Youth

Dec 19 2017, 1:36 pm

Under the grooving floors of the Commodore at Smithe and Granville lies the beauty that is Lavan. This store attracts many senses of the passer by as exotic world music drifts out the door and a delicious bouquet of scents fill the air. If it isn’t the smell and sounds of Lavan that attracts you, it will certainly be the eye catching exterior and a hint of the elegance that lies inside. Lavan is one of Granville Street’s newest and arguably one of the most interesting stores selling top quality natural body and beauty products. Inside, you will find racks of potions, lotions, fragrances and soaps.

The focal point of the store is the gigantic, multi faucet fountain in the centre which resembles what some may imagine the mystical ‘fountain of youth’ to look like.

At this elegant fountain (pictured), the friendly staff demonstrates the healing effects of nutrient rick exfoliates made from the Dead Sea salt. Vancity Buzz chats with Shanie Bar-Oz Dabbs, the owner, to hear about what Lavan has in store for Vancouver.

Where did the Lavan concept come from?

The concept of Lavan comes from the need to stop every once in a while and relax. We aim to create an oasis of scents, sounds and relaxing sights in the middle of the hectic down town area. We allow people from around the world to enjoy the amazing and healing Dead Sea minerals and to have a taste of what luxurious Israeli natural cosmetics is all about. We are still want to bring this “Lavan” moment to everyone everywhere and to invite our customers to take some time to reconnect with themselves and with nature.

Is this the only store?

At this point, yes.Lavan opened its first location in downtown Vancouver . Vancouver is a wonderful multicultural city with very high passion for health and wellbeing. Here, there is also a high volume of business oriented tourists,that offer us exposure to the world. The natural and luxurious line of Lavan fits Vancouver like a glove.

What do you recommend for men this summer?

At Lavan, we treat men with great respect. Our Men’s line was recently upgraded with an uniquely passionate shaving care product, that not only prevents neck sensitivities, but also spoils your face with a silky smooth touch and keeps it moist and soft. Also, the scent has an incredible effect over women. For the muscular body treat I would recommend the Wild Ocean Shea butter soap bar followed by the light and delicious Wild Ocean body butter.

What is the bestselling product? Why?

The Dead Sea Wet Salt Scrub, no doubt. It is truly surprising how your skin improves and shows gratitude from the first use at the store [at the incredible fountain]. The most common reactions about our fountain are, “Wow!” and “Oh, my God! I wish people would give the same chance to our facial products as well as they are spectacular!

What do you recommend for women this summer?

Especially for those of us who tan, I would insist on using a facial serum before the moisturizer. During summer time, I personally use the vitamin-C Silk Serum by Lavan. It is full of active ingredients and has an amazingly ultra-light texture that allows the moisturizer following it to penetrate into your cells and prevents sun damage. Also, don’t forget to moisturize your neck and try to apply your facial serums and lotions in upward motions, against gravity. And lastly, drink lots of water, it have an incredible effect on your overall look and feeling, but this advice is not only for women, of course.

How are your neighbors on Granville Street, any favorite bars?

Since we are located on the corner of Granville and Robson, we are in good hands! Lavan’s favorite bar on Granville is without a doubt “The Roxy.” Our staff attends their live music show on Mondays regularly. By the way, you are very much welcome to join us.

Do you see more Lavan stores in the future?

Absolutely! We are now looking into opening stores in Asia, in the US and in Israel.

Right now, we are at the final stage of perfecting our Organic line that includes tanning lotion and a facial whitening cream, an unscented series, for extremely sensitive skin, some additional mother and baby products as well as “Matok”– the line for girls and teens. Finally, as per our costumer’s demands we are creating mini traveling size packages of our best selling products.



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