Get 50% off Snackbox

Dec 19 2017, 3:35 pm

Let’s face it – when you’re hungry for a snack you’re going to eat what’s around. Unfortunately, the easiest snack food to get your hands on is junk food. Even snacks that are marketed as “healthy” are often full of high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, and hidden sugars.

Sometimes all you need to get a good habit going is a push in the right direction, and to make it even easier, have it delivered right to your door.

Snackbox is a Vancouver-based start up that takes the guessing out of healthy eating by delivering a box of curated healthy snacks to your door every month.

Snackbox members discover new snack foods that are ethically produced by both small and large companies, focusing on providing delicious snacks that are gluten-free, natural, and contain ingredients with names you can pronounce. Every Snackbox is curated by a nutritionist so you can be sure you’re eating the best of the best.

Snackbox makes it easy to commit to healthy snacking and ensures you always have something healthy to eat when hunger strikes.

Try it out today using the coupon code below:

50% Off Coupon Code: VANCITYBUZZ


50% off your first Snackbox, expires June 30th.Visit to sign up today!

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