This is how you can help decide the future of transportation in Metro Vancouver

May 3 2021, 4:15 pm

As part of TransLink’s Transport 2050 public engagement, you shared your vision for the future.

You told us you wanted a future with convenient, reliable, affordable, safe, and comfortable transportation options. Metro Vancouverites also want carbon-free transportation choices — to connect you with the people and places that matter most.

Now, TransLink’s sharing ideas that will get you there. Until May 14, we want your input at on how to create a transportation system over the next 30 years — one that supports a better way of moving.

What does that entail? It means rethinking how we use urban spaces and streets. It means delivering fast and frequent rapid transit service to more parts of the region. And taking advantage of new and emerging technologies that, in some cases, haven’t even been imagined yet.

We’re proposing three transformative actions that could make big strides towards this future.

People-first streets that invite walking, biking, and rolling

Many people don’t feel comfortable walking, biking, or rolling in fast-moving traffic. In the future, we think more people will be living in “compact” communities, near amenities and jobs. With access to digital services and on-demand automated vehicles, this could reduce our reliance on automobiles.

This will give us an opportunity to reimagine our streets, tailoring the roads so they work better for different users. That means slowing down some streets, and installing better infrastructure for walking, biking, and rolling.

Fast and frequent rapid transit that’s a competitive choice for most longer trips

As the population grows in Metro Vancouver, so does the demand on our transportation network. More people will need access to rapid transit so they can cross the region without needing to rely on a car.

This is a unique opportunity to build the next generation of rapid transit.

We envision two approaches to a network expansion. Both systems rely on a combination of rapid transit built above or below street level or at street level in dedicated lanes.

Automated vehicles that provide convenient access to car trips — without adding to congestion

Automated vehicles are coming, and it’s up to us to decide how they fit in with the regional transportation system. Fully automated vehicles could bring more driving, congestion, or sprawl. But they could also open up transportation for the mobility challenged, make transport more efficient, and reduce the total number of cars on the road.

To make them work for the region, we need to ensure they don’t overwhelm the transportation system. That means thinking about how we promote sharing, reduce empty car trips (that’s right, these vehicles can drive themselves!), and avoid congestion in busy areas.

A once-in-a-generation opportunity

Share your input on these actions at We want to hear from you as we develop the final Transport 2050 strategy — the region’s blueprint for the next 30 years.

Planning for the many transit expansions we enjoy today began nearly 30 years ago with Transport 2021, back in 1993. The priority for the Millennium Line — and the Broadway Subway, Surrey Langley SkyTrain, and Evergreen extensions — Canada Line, and the RapidBus network were all laid out in this plan.

Today, we’ve built out nearly the entire road and transit system first envisioned in Transport 2021. So, naturally — the question is — what’s next? Through Transport 2021, we’ve seen how transportation strategies can have a huge impact on our lives. That’s why it’s important for you to participate in Transport 2050 public engagement and help us design the future that meets our region’s needs.

It’s now over to you.

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