Future transit map of Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 2:23 pm

Here is a future transit map for Metro Vancouver made by Reddit user akaJoska. This is of course is a dream transit map.  While a transit system this advanced for Metro Vancouver probably won’t be in place for at least 100 years from now, if that, too many some of the routes chosen may still seem far fetched. However, it’s a fantasy map and there are a lot of great ideas presented here and nobody really knows what the future holds.

View Dream Translink in a larger map

Looking at the map there are some glaringly obvious additions that should have been made 10 years ago but the way our Transportation department and TransLink operate we probably won’t see the following happen for at least twenty years:

Transit Additions to likely take place in the next 20 years include:

1. Rapid Transit all the way to UBC.

2. Expo Line extension all the way to Langley.

3. Guildford LRT (connects Scott Road and Fleetwood, goes through Guildford Mall area).

4. LRT aka Street Car connecting Granville Island to Stanley Park. It’s time that current municipal government make this a reality and a third layer to the city’s transportation plan. Street cars.

5. LRT going down 4th avenue. SkyTrain is out of the question but a street car going down 4th avenue would be great. However, traffic is already a nightmare so this may be difficult to implement.

Other great additions that are probably 50 to 75 years away include:

1. Rapid transit down Hastings all the way to SFU’s Burnaby Mountain Campus.

2. Marine Drive Line. As the population begins to surge in South Vancouver, it will require more rapid transit, more than the current Canada Line station at Marine Drive. Kent Avenue would be ideal and could be used from Boundary to at least Cambie and if warranted further up along Marine Drive.

3. Western Line. This line flows through the city’s most dense neighbourhood and goes down the Arbutus Corridor, bringing rapid transit to Kerrisdale and beyond.

4. South Fraser West Line. This will connect South Surrey with Central Surrey.

There are other great options included in the map, but as we all know resources are finite. However, a hundred years from now, Metro Vancouver will have a population well over 7 million and therefore rapid and light rail transit expansion planning and construction needs to start happening very soon to accommodate future growth.

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