Five ways to get the most out of giving back this season

Dec 19 2017, 9:00 pm

Now that Black Friday and Cyber Monday have passed, it’s time to shift the focus away from consumer spending and towards giving back to those in need. Today is GivingTuesday, a day dedicated towards helping nonprofits enhance the lives of those who can use a little extra help.

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Image: Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver

Stephani Samaridis, Director, Fund Development of Habitat for Humanity Great Vancouver, provides five pieces of advice for getting the most out of giving back this season:

  1. It’s now December and although the holidays and GivingTuesday are known as a time for giving, with 30% of all charitable giving occurs in the month of December, charities need help all year round. The holidays are a great time to commit to a goal of helping out a charity, and then try to give every month of the year.
  2. There are plenty of ways to give back in your own backyard. Many well-known international charities have local chapters – for example, although Habitat for Humanity is known for its work in developing and disaster-struck countries, the Greater Vancouver affiliate recently launched its local Women Build – Power Women, Power Tools initiative to build homes in Richmond, B.C. for local families, by engaging 400 women to raise funds and build over a 10 day blitz.
  3. Find a cause close to your heart Giving is most rewarding when you’re helping a cause that you feel strongly about. There are plenty of great resources to help you find ways to get involved – for example, offers lists of charities to which you can donate or volunteer in your selected area; and provides a variety of local volunteer or job opportunities in the nonprofit sector. No matter what cause you care about most, there’s always a way you can help out.
  4. You can inspire others by sharing what you’re doing to help those in need, whether it is on social media, by word of mouth, or just having a presence in your community and helping a charity. Awareness is often the missing factor in getting a charity the help it needs to change lives. Share your passion and share often – the best kind of domino effect comes from giving back.
  5. Give what you can – money, time, or simply your consideration and attention. Every little bit counts!

Janine and kids

Image: Habitat for Humanity Greater Vancouver

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