Feist at Deer Lake Park

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

For those of you who only listen to one form of music (i.e. Mr. Skeets and his twisted fascination with Lil’ Wayne) you’ve no doubt missed out on some great Canadian music. It doesn’t get any better than Leslie Feist. She was the main act of the B.C. day celebration over there on the island the other day and was also the main act at the Folk Festival at Jericho a few years back. Some may also know her from the musical collective Broken Social Scene. Thanks to the iPod commercial which featured her track “1, 2, 3, 4”, the rest of the world has discovered what many Canadian music fans knew all along; this chick is a major talent.

If you have tickets for tonight’s show at Deer Lake Park, consider yourself lucky. The weather for an outdoor music concert couldn’t be any better than today. So toke up and drink up, whilst listening to the sweet sounds of Miss Feist.

Notable Tracks:
My Moon, My Man
Feel it All
One Evening

Music Clip: Feist – “I feel it all”

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