Spend the evening with business leaders helping to change the DTES

Aug 10 2018, 2:22 am

Employ to Empower (ETE) is giving Vancouverites a chance to learn from some of the city’s most creative and up-and-coming individuals.

The organization’s upcoming event in August, An Evening with Innovators, is an interactive panel and networking opportunity that connects locals with some of the city’s biggest impact makers and innovators of the downtown eastside (DTES).

ETE’s first-ever evening fundraiser will host a thought-provoking panellist chat with nine different leaders throughout the community. The event is perfect for those with interests in the creative arts, social impacts, or simply those who want some inspiration to put their own ideas and ventures into action.

Best of all, 100% of the proceeds from the event will go towards connecting low-income individuals from Vancouver’s DTES to meaningful, sustainable work.

The company and event were co-founded by Christina Wong, the Executive Director of ETE, and Stephanie Chan.

Employ to Empower

The Vancouver Street Store

In 2014, Wong founded the Street Store Vancouver: a free, pop-up clothing store for people in need. Through the program, she was able to build a rapport with the Downtown Eastside community and get to know some of its members firsthand.

It was through that experience that Wong realized a bigger problem in the DTES community. While the Street Store Vancouver provided a short-term solution to homelessness by giving away free items, a long-term solution still remained to found – sustainable, purposeful employment.

Employ to Empower

The Vancouver Street Store

It was then that the Street Store evolved to ETE, a social enterprise that focuses on drastically reducing homelessness through long-term, sustainable employment.

“In order to make a difference effectively and efficiently,” says Wong, ” we need to collaborate and work as a collective.”

“Events like an Evening with Innovators allow guests to add value into their lives by networking with other entrepreneurs and aspiring changemakers while giving 100% back to help low-income individuals.

“Anyone can be an innovator you just have to start.”

Employ to Empower

The Vancouver Street Store

The evening will host two separate panels. The first panel will feature impact makers of Vancouver, including the following individuals:

The second panel of the event will feature innovators of Vancouver DTES, such as:

  • Constance Barnes: Manager of the DTES Street Market
  • Melanie Pratt: Active volunteer and supervisor at DTES Street Market, Overdose Prevention Society and High Hopes Foundation
  • Ash Macleod: Managing Director of Mark Brand Inc
  • Brennan Fitzgerald: Executive Director of Hastings Crossing Business Improvement Association (HxBIA)

To top it all off, food will be catered by one of the talented chefs at Earls and there will be over $1000 in raffle prizes up for grabs – all supplied by the event’s generous sponsors.

After the event, an afterparty will take place at Drais Vancouver, hosted by Frontrvnners Streetwear.

Even if you can’t attend the event, there are still ways to get involved and help make a difference.

ETE is always looking for volunteers, including a donations coordinator, events coordinator, grant writer, and peer support workers.

Employ to Empower

The Vancouver Street Store

You can also donate to the cause on GoFundMe. Every $660 to $900 donated goes towards subsidizing the cost of ONE individual in need.

An Evening with Innovators will take place at Lost & Found Cafe on Saturday, August 25 from 6 to 9:30 pm. Tickets can be purchased on EventBrite starting at $45 or at the door for $50. Tickets to the afterparty can be purchased for $20.

ETE would like to thank all the speakers, as well as the event sponsors and partners who were able to make this possible: SFU Alumni, Daily Hive Vancouver, Cold Tea Collective, SFU’s Coast Capital Savings Venture Connection, Co-llective Marketing, Coast Capital Savings, Thomas Sabo, RADIUS, BrainStation Vancouver, The Persephone Snug, The Diamond, A Better Life Foundation, Frontrvnners Streetwear and Helijet.

An Evening with Innovators

Where: Lost & Found Cafe – 33 West Hastings Street, Vancouver

Time: 6 to 9:30 pm

When: Saturday, August 25, 2018

Admission: $45 online, $50 at the door. Use promo code DailyHiveETE to save 10$ off your ticket at checkout (valid for the first 20 tickets only). 100% of proceeds will connect low-income individuals to meaningful and long-term work.

Daily Hive is a proud media sponsor of Employ to Empower: An Evening with Innovators 

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