Dog license crackdown: City spot checking dog daycares

Dec 19 2017, 8:23 pm

A warning to Vancouverites who take their four-legged friends to dog daycares: If your pooch isn’t licensed you could face a hefty fine.

Bylaw officers with the City of Vancouver are spot-checking dog daycare facilities as part of its annual push to educate people about the importance of having a valid license for their pets.

Communications Manager Tobin Postma said officials “are also visiting pet retail outlets, vet clinics and libraries to hand out information sheets and educate/remind people about the need for licenses.”

Postma says fines aren’t being handed out at the visits, but the fine for having an unlicensed dog is $250.

The city issues over 25,000 dog licenses a year.  Dogs wearing a license are returned to their owners 97 per cent of the time, Postma adds.

Dog licenses cost $39/year, and can be purchased online here.

Cool canines hang out at Barking Babies in Yaletown.

Cool canines hang out at Barking Babies in Yaletown.

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