Delta passengers reportedly offered $10,000 to give up their seats

Jul 2 2022, 10:59 pm

Would you give up your seat on a plane for $10,000? That’s the dilemma some passengers reportedly faced this week.

According to Jason Aten, a Contributing Editor and Tech Columnist at Inc., Aten and his fellow passengers were offered $10,000 if they would give up their seat on an oversold Delta Air Lines flight on June 27.

Aten had boarded a plane in Grand Rapids, Michigan, bound for Minneapolis, Minnesota. The two cities are an eight-hour drive or a 1.5-hour flight, apart.

As he was on the plane waiting to leave the gate, Delta made an announcement that they were looking for volunteers to exchange their seats for $10,000 cash.

Another Twitter user reportedly backed up Aten’s account saying “It’s a true story. I was on that flight!”

According to Aten, he did not take Delta up on the offer, but eight volunteers did and while they didn’t get to be on that flight to Minneapolis, they were $10,000 richer for it.

Daily Hive has reached out to Delta for more information and will update this story.

In Canada, Air Passenger Protection Regulations state that “If you are denied boarding, your flight is cancelled or delayed for at least two hours, or your baggage is lost or damaged, you may be entitled to certain standards of treatment and compensation.”

The Canadian Transportation Agency has a guide to flight delays and cancellations and details what compensation passengers are entitled to. Under the current rules, large airlines must pay $1,000 if the passenger arrives nine or more hours late.

There will be new refund requirements to help Canadians get compensation from airlines that are set to go into effect on September 8, 2022.

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