Vancouver's giant Decentralized Dance Party returns this weekend

Aug 18 2016, 3:16 am

What if all of Vancouver turned into a giant dance party?

That’s the aim of Tom and Gary’s Decentralized Dance Party, hitting the city this Saturday. Hundreds of people will carry boom boxes tuned into an FM radio master broadcast put out by Gary, who will be the event’s DJ, resulting in a “mobile, synchronized sound system.”

This is Decentralized Dance Party’s seventh year, and while there will be a starting location for the party, organizers encourage people to tune in and create their own parties, be it a block party in your neighbourhood or a parking lot – wherever!

The Decentralized Dance Party’s starting location will be announced the night before the party.

Don’t own a boombox? No problem. The organizers have also introduced an app called “The Tinder of Partying” that can be used to tune in.

So set your dials to 100.5 on Saturday at 9 pm and take part in the city’s biggest dance party.

Vancouver’s 7th annual Decentralized Dance Party

When: Saturday, August 20; 9 pm

Where: Top secret. Find out the night before.