Woman bit by coyote while walking along seawall in Stanley Park
The BC Conservation Officer Service (BCCOS) is reminding the public that aggressive coyotes remain in Stanley Park, and that people should use precautions when in the area.
This latest reminder comes after a woman was bit on the calf by a coyote while walking on the seawall, just west of the Prospect Point Lighthouse, around 9:15 pm, this past Tuesday.
Conservation officers responded immediately and patrolled the area, but no coyote was found, the BCCOS said.
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However, in light of this incident, BCCOS is also reminding people that coyotes are more active at dawn and dusk and park users should consider avoiding those times.
“If you choose to go to Stanley Park, there is a risk you could encounter an aggressive coyote,” they add.
As such, the public is asked to familiarize themselves with these safety tips, and to report aggressive coyote encounters to the RAPP line at 1-877-952-7277.