Cow on the loose on Highway 1 in North Vancouver

Dec 20 2017, 2:48 am

First there was Downtown Deer, then there was the Olympic Village beaver, and now there’s a cow on the loose on the Upper Levels highway in North Vancouver.

Initial reports say there is a cow in the middle of the road on Highway 1 going westbound near the Lynn Valley exit.

According to a tweet posted by NEWS1130 traffic reporter Leah Holiove, cars in the right lane have stopped in traffic while attempting to protect the cow from being hit. We are unsure whether there have been any efforts to moo-ve the cow out of the way.

Others on Twitter have confirmed the odd sighting.

There isn’t any agriculture land in North Vancouver so it is unknown where the cow came from, but it is expected it may have been commuting.

Drivers may have a beef with this traffic delay, especially considering the earlier accident on Highway 1 in West Vancouver. Anyone hoping to commute across the North Shore should probably consider hoofing it.

UPDATE: The cow has moo-ved on from the highway and is no longer blocking the right lane.

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