Countdown to the end of the Sundin Saga

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

I heard from my barber the other day that Mats Sundin was in town getting a haircut. Now, I’ll have you know that my barber is not my reliable source I spoke of earlier, hell that fool can barely speak english. Also forget the fact that Charlie Brown has more hair than Sundin, but if he’s in town getting his hair cut by a second rate barber its obvious he’s joining the Canucks.

Another “reliable” source told me that Mats Sundin was spotted at the Swedish Touch. I guess he wanted a “massage” just like back home. I’ll have to go there and confirm that for myself, possibly get a “massage” while I’m at it. I guess you’ll know on August 1st and he can put you internet leeches out of your misery and confirm what I already know. Now I’m off to go throw pennies at the French hobos hanging outside the liquor store on Alberni. Hopefully they’ll get the message and hitch a ride back to “La belle Province”.

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