Cougar shot and killed near Park Royal in West Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 11:13 pm

Conservation officers have shot and killed a large adult cougar near Park Royal shopping centre in West Vancouver.

Early this morning in broad daylight, a cougar came near several dog walkers, who then contacted West Vancouver Police. A trail along the Capilano River near a rugby club was subsequently closed and secured by police until conservation officers were able to arrive in the area.

According to CTV News, the dogs were able to scare it away by barking at the cat. But the female cat remained in the area for several hours, until it was shot by a conservation officer for concerns that it had no fear of humans and would stray into a nearby residential neighbourhood and potentially hurt children playing in a backyard.

Over the past week, there have been a number of cougar sightings at the base of Grouse Mountain, near the Port Moody fishery hatchery, and the Seymour Watershed.

Anyone who comes across a cougar should make themselves look big, make loud noises and become intimidating in an effort to scare the animal away. Running away or turning your back on the animal is not recommended.

Sightings can be reported to conservation officers at 1-877-952-7277.

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