29 new coronavirus cases, another death confirmed in BC

May 8 2020, 10:58 pm

British Columbia health officials have announced 33 new test-positive coronavirus cases and another death as a result of the virus.

In a written joint statement on Friday, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and BC Health Minister Adrian Dix said the total number of recorded cases in the province now sits at 2,315.

Every health region in British Columbia has patients with COVID-19: 866 are in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, 1,089 are in the Fraser Health region, 125 are in the Island Health region, 180 are in the Interior Health region and 55 are in the Northern Health region.

Another death has been reported as well, bringing the total number of coronavirus-related deaths in the province to 127.

Of the total COVID-19 cases, 73 individuals are hospitalized and 20 of those are in intensive care. A total of 1,579 people who tested positive for COVID-19 are now considered fully recovered, as well.

The rest of the statement is below:

“In the last day, there have been no new long-term care or assisted-living facility outbreaks. In total, 16 facilities and five acute-care units have active cases. Outbreaks have now been declared over at 18 care facilities.

Public health teams are also providing support to a number of community outbreaks, actively contact tracing those who may be directly affected and their close contacts.

There has been no change in the number of confirmed positive cases at Fraser Valley Specialty Poultry, United Poultry in Vancouver or at the Mission Institution federal correctional centre.

There are now 61 positive cases at Superior Poultry in Coquitlam and 17 connected to the Kearl Lake plant in Alberta.

We must continue with what we have been doing, because it is working. We have flattened our curve and must keep it there.

Until we move into Phase 2, the orders, restrictions and guidance remain in place.

Our go-forward principles are our playbook for where we are today and how we will move forward. They are the rules to help us decide what is safe for ourselves, our loved ones and our communities. These principles will not change until COVID-19 is no longer a risk to any of us.

Physical distancing is here to stay. We must continue to keep a safe physical distance from anyone outside of our household.

There are no exceptions to staying home if you are ill. Even if it seems to be seasonal allergies, a cold or potentially COVID-19. And if you do have symptoms of COVID-19, contact 811 or your health-care provider to be assessed and tested.

Travelling anywhere increases the likelihood of making us an unintentional carrier for COVID-19. While essential travel must continue, personal travel needs to be minimized, wherever possible.

This weekend is Mother’s Day and a time to celebrate and honour someone important to us. We can all do something special for our mothers, whether they are near or far, in your household bubble or not.

For now, avoid any close physical contact, unless your mother is in your immediate household. And if your mother is older, awaiting surgery or has an underlying illness, celebrate at a safe distance. Give your mother the gift of staying safe and healthy.

Let’s continue to stand together in spirit as we stay apart and move forward together.”

DH Vancouver StaffDH Vancouver Staff

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