CKNW Orphans' Fund raises $2 million for children with special needs

Dec 20 2017, 3:00 am

The CKNW Orphans’ Fund broke records on December 2 when they managed to raise over $2 million in pledges.

The 38th Annual CKNW Oprhans’ Fund Pledge Day was broadcast across CKNW and Global News and the donations will give the organization the ability to fund over 15,000 special needs children who require support.

“It is a privilege for me to be involved with an organization with such heart. For 70 years, the CKNW Orphans’ Fund has had the opportunity to brighten children’s lives in BC and we are thrilled about the support that British Columbians provided on Pledge Day,” said Chairman-of-the-Board and volunteer Wally Oppal.

The donations that tipped the total to over $2 million came in at the last minute. A $150,000 pledge from a long-time donor at 7 p.m. helped raise the amount to $1.9 million. The next morning, the Robertshaw family pledged another $100,000 to tip it over $2 million.

That was the first time that’s ever been achieved.

“What a humbling day for everyone at CKNW. We are all experiencing an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the truly remarkable support from our listeners, partners and friends. The CKNW Orphans’ Fund is near and dear to our hearts and it is evident today, even after all these years, it remains so for this community as well. A sincere thank you to everyone”, said CKNW Program Director Larry Gifford.

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