Christy Clark announces minority government cabinet

Jun 13 2017, 4:12 am

Premier Christy Clark and her cabinet were officially sworn in today, in what may one of the shortest-lasting governments in BC history.

The 22-member cabinet includes 13 men and nine women. Only five of the ministers are new to the job.

See also

“Our province needs a strong economy, one capable of supporting the services and high quality of life that British Columbians expect and deserve,” said Premier Clark in a statement. “But the public has also said they want us to do things differently to address areas that impact their lives and their families every day – this new cabinet reflects that message.”

Clark announced the following Liberal MLAs as cabinet members:

  • John Rustad – Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
  • Andrew Wilkinson – Attorney General and Minister of Justice
  • Norm Letnick– Minister of Agriculture
  • Stephanie Cadieux– Minister of Children and Family Development
  • Mike Bernier – Minister of Education
  • Mary Polak– Minister of Health
  • Michael de Jong – Minister of Finance
  • Steve Thomson – Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations
  • Donna Barnett – Minister of State for Rural Economic Development
  • Teresa Wat – Minister of International Trade and Minister Responsible for the Asia Pacific Strategy and Multiculturalism
  • Shirley Bond – Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour
  • Mike Morris – Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General
  • Coralee Oakes – Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction and Minister Responsible for the Liquor Distribution Branch
  • Rich Coleman –  Minister of Energy and Mines
  • Michelle Stilwell – Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation
  • Todd Stone – Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Ellis Ross – Minister of Natural Gas Development and Minister Responsible for Housing
  • Jas Johal – Minister of Technology, Innovation, and Citizens’ Services
  • Sam Sullivan – Minister of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development and the Minister responsible for TransLink
  • Jordan Sturdy – Minister of Environment
  • Linda Reid– Minister of Advanced Education

Clark will finally recall the legislature on Thursday, June 22 to see if she can continue as premier.

As it stands right now, the BC Liberals have 43 seats, the BC NDP 41, and the BC Greens 3, no one has a majority, and the BC legislature is hung.

The BC Greens negotiated with both the BC Liberals and the BC NDP to establish whether they could work with a party to support a minority government.

Ultimately, BC Greens leader Andrew Weaver announced they had agreed to support a BC NDP minority government with BC NDP leader John Horgan.

With files from Jenni Sheppard. 

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