Christmas Giveaway: Kent Street Apparel Satchel

Dec 20 2017, 2:52 am

Just in time for Christmas, our friends at Mount Pleasant-based Kent Street Apparel are giving away one of their charming distressed leather satchels.

Started one year ago by local entrepreneur Glyn Lewis, Kent Street has quickly gained lots of respect for its classic, modern, and charming style.

“It’s been an amazing ride,” Lewis said. “Every time I see one of our cheeky and colourful ‘Merde Il Pleut‘ (s— it’s raining, en français) umbrellas out on the street, I smile.”

“We started Kent Street to help bring some inspiration and vitality to Vancouver’s streetscape, and to add some life to our sense of style. It feels like we’re having the desired impact, and that really feels great.”

“I also want to thank everyone at Vancity Buzz. They’ve been phenomenally supportive over the past year. They’re good people and are honest about building local community.”

Can’t wait to gift this charming handcrafted satchel to someone?

Find Kent Street Apparel online or on Instagram at @kentstreetapparel.



We’re giving away a Kent Street distressed leather satchel. To enter simply share this post to be entered. Once you’ve shared it please let us know via comment.

Contest entries will be accepted from time and date of publishing until 11:59 p.m. PST on December 6, 2015. One winner will be chosen at random and contacted through the platform they enter by.

Contest Guidelines

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