Celebrate Boat-to-Table Cuisine at Feast! Tofino

Dec 19 2017, 6:31 pm

Here in Vancouver, farm-to-table is one of the biggest restaurant trends. Raincity Grill, Edible Canada, and Fable all embrace the practice of sourcing ingredients locally, and really getting to know the farmers that raise the proteins and the produce that end up in the restaurant. This results in food that is fresh, seasonable, and often organic and cruelty-free.

Photo credit: Feast Tofino/Marnie Recker

Tofino, located on Clayoquot Sound, on Vancouver Island, has come up with their own riff on farm-to-table: boat-to-table. They are celebrating boat-to-table cuisine with a month-long festival called Feast! Tofino.

Photo credit: Feast Tofino/Chris Pouget

Feast! Tofino is a collaboration between acclaimed local and regional guest chefs, restaurants, fishermen, foragers, farmers, accommodation, activity and tour providers, celebrating the abundance of available seafood and the sustainable “boat-to-table” practices of local chefs, restaurants, and the culinary guild. Like our Dine Out festival, Feast! features multi-course, fixed-price menus in three different price ranges: $29, $39, and $49.

Photo credit: Feast Tofino/Chris Pouget

The month of May is divided up into weeks, and each week, a different kind of seafood is celebrated. The first week of May features Salmon, the second week, shellfish, the third week, crab, and the last week, everyone’s favourite: the spot prawn.

Chef Peter Zambri kisses a spot prawn. Photo credit: Feast Tofino/Chris Pouget

Feast! Tofino features many collaborative creations between some of Vancouver’s top chefs and some of Tofino’s top chefs, including Trevor Bird (Fable), and chefs from Bao Bei and Wildebeest. The festival will also include the cookbook launch of Chef Lisa Ahier’s long-awaited Sobo Cookbook (I recently got to eat at Sobo, you can read about it here).

For more information and list of all the events, visit Feast Tofino.com.

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