Manslaughter charge laid two years after death of Langley teen Carson Crimeni

Sep 16 2021, 10:25 pm

A charge of manslaughter has now been laid against a 20-year-old in connection to the death of 14-year-old Carson Crimeni.

Crimeni died in hospital on August 7th, 2019 after taking MDMA with a group of older teens at the skate park adjacent to the Walnut Grove Community Centre.

Langley RCMP say the details of his death were a shock to the community, particularly those in Walnut Grove. 

The accused, who can’t be named due to his being a youth at the time of Crimeni’s death, surrendered himself to police after a charge was approved by the BC Prosecution Service and a warrant was issued.

There is a publication ban in effect, which limits the amount of information that can be released about the person charged.

The 20-year-old has since been released from custody on bail and will be back in court on October 20th.