Cargo ship adrift near Haida Gwaii

Dec 20 2017, 2:42 am

A cargo vessel has broken down about 45 nautical miles off Haida Gwaii and is now adrift.

The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre says the ship has been drifting to the shoreline for several hours.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) says the Prince Rupert Coast Guard Maratime Communications hub contacted the MV North Star after noticing its transponder behaving unusually. It says the ship lost power because of an electrical issue, and crews are hoping to get propulsion back up soon.

DFO says three ships, including a Coast Guard vessel, are en route to assist the North Star,  in case it can’t get the engine back up. The Coast Guard ship was the first to meet up with the North Star at around 4 a.m. this morning.

Winds in the area are moderate and the vessel is not expected to run aground.


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