Canucks December Wallpaper featuring Daniel Sedin + players' mustaches

Dec 19 2017, 9:00 pm

After the Canucks followed their 7-3 October record with a 8-4-2 November, there’s plenty for us to analyze and discuss.

Can they keep up the pace that has them one point shy of first overall in the standings? Will Jannik Hansen score 30 this year? Has Ryan Miller ever felt anger? Should Daniel forget shooting and pass every puck to Vrbata?

They’re all great questions, and because it would take hours to answer them, I’ve instead decided to judge whether the Canucks who grew mustaches for Movember should keep them or not.

Ryan Miller

Aka Super Mario


Sure, we’re expecting him to say “Imma Mario, Imma gonna win!” but still, the ‘stache fits. KEEP IT.

Nick Bonino.


Weak. Scroll back up to Miller’s manly mustache and you’ll see why Bonino’s whiskers have to go.

Shawn Matthias

The reporters are having no luck snapping him out of dreaming about the Thanksgiving dinner he enjoyed in Columbus.


The look on his face? It’s weird. The ‘stache? It goes as well as Vrbata with the Sedins. Keep it. Definitely keep it.

Luca Sbisa

Spoiler alert: this one’s the best.


Sorry I ruined the surprise, but I couldn’t help it. It makes him look like a man who would make pizza. And he does. So this is a win.

Eddie Lack (and pals).

lackboninostache1f Image credit:

I already judged Bonino, and Zack Kassian doesn’t look any different than usual.

Lack, though – he makes a dirty-handlebar stache look pretty. It must be the eyes.

Keep it, lose it – doesn’t matter. Just don’t change those eyes.

Willie Desjardins


Wait, don’t people who regularly grow mustaches have to shave them off for Movember? Wait, does he have a top lip?

Chris Higgins


Higgins’ problem with his beard may be the same one he has with his abs: nothing can cut through it (or them).

OK, here’s our December wallpaper.

Canucks December wallpaper featuring Daniel Sedin

Dave Lee-son is back with his popular wallpapers this year and they’ve got a kick-ass new design. Click on the link below the image to download the high resolution zip file.

Vancity Buzz Canucks November Wallpaper

Click the following link to download the file: Canucks Desktop Wallpaper Zip File

Dave Lee-Son is a graphic designer and a big Canucks fan. He combines these two passions to bring you this desktop wallpaper.

Follow him on Twitter (@DaveLeeSon1).

For comments, feedback, or design inquiries, please email him at: this link

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