We can't have nice things: Dude Chilling Park sign stolen

Dec 19 2017, 7:54 pm

A popular public art addition to East Vancouver’s Guelph Park did not last beyond six months at its new location.

It was stolen from the park sometime over the long weekend, but it is not known who might have stolen the sign or if it will ever be recovered.

The “Dude Chilling Park” sign was installed this past February after the Vancouver Park Board gave it approval. The sign was made by local artist Viktor Briestensky, who also went to the trouble of placing it at the park in November 2012 as a prank.

It was removed promptly by park board crews, but the sign’s popularity led to a campaign and petition to save the sign and establish it as a permanent fixture in the park. Some had even called for Guelph Park to be renamed to Dude Chilling Park.

The sign gained social media virality and even captured the attention of American late night host Jimmy Kimmel.

[youtube id=”WR3GnrFuzL4″]

However, not everyone has been happy about the parody sign. It had its share of local resident opponents who believed the sign was sending the wrong message about what kind of behaviour was permitted in the park.

The sign has been vandalized twice during its second life as a public art installation. In July, the sign was vandalized with a tag that read “Guelph Park SASSSSSY!” and the “Dude Chilling Park” text crossed out.

It was tagged again just three weeks ago with the word “Dude” scratched out and replaced with “Girl” while the female symbol was sprayed on top of the word “Park”.

In both incidents, park board maintenance crews made prompt efforts to clean the sign.


Feature Image: CTV Vancouver via Twitter

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