You can’t burn just belly fat

Dec 19 2017, 5:45 pm

Currently, one of the hottest topics in fitness is belly fat. For years, we have been told by the fitness and supplement industry that we can target that stubborn area, and melt it away with elixirs and exercises. Although you can burn belly fat, you can’t burn just belly fat.

Trainers are often asked the following question: “How do I lose my belly? I want to keep my curves, but I just want to lose this little pooch. Will crunches work?” Sure the stars say that they do five-hundred crunches a day to keep their midsections toned, but does that mean that it will work for you? Simple answer: No!

There is no such thing as losing fat in one specific area. Crunches build and strengthen muscle; they don’t burn fat. In order to see those six pack abs, you need to build abdominal muscles with crunches and burn the fat off of your entire body by dieting and doing calorie crushing workouts. I would be lying, however, if I stated that crunches don’t contribute to fat loss. They increase circulation to the stomach region, which can help shuttle fat from the region to be burned by the body. Crunches can improve your body’s ability to burn fat in the stomach region, but won’t get rid of your belly.

Girls’ concern with the entire body fat loss is the loss of their curves. The gluteus maximus, the more scientific term for your booty, can be maintained by doing lower body exercises, such as squats and lunges. Because they are made of fat, it is likely that your curves will be reduced, due to overall fat loss.

Lastly, despite the outlandish claims made by supplement companies, you can’t take a pill or potion to target a specific area of the body. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Manny Dhillon is a canfitpro certified personal trainer, and B.C.A.K. certified kinesiologist, with a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. He currently owns and operates VanFit, a personal training/kinesiology company, and chronicles his experiences in the fitness industry at Connect with Manny on Twitter and Facebook.

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