If you’ve been single in the past two years, chances are you’ve heard of Happn, the mobile dating app that lets you find someone you’ve crossed paths with.
If you haven’t been single in the past two years, good for you. Now stop reading about first dates you weirdo.
Anyway, back to what Canadians prefer to do on their first dates.
Happn decided to gather up all its data from Canadians across the country using the app to see how we enjoy getting to know one another for the first time. So, after mustering up the courage to make a date happen, just how do Canadians decide to spend that first interaction?
Grab a drink – 36.18%
Tried, tested, and true. Getting a drink eases anxiety, allows conversation to flow more easily, and is easy to cut and run from. Just make sure you think long and hard about a second or, uh oh, third drink. It turns out it’s really easy to get drunk on alcohol.
Go for a walk – 25.46%
Also a great plan for getting to know someone. The passing scenery provides common ground (literally) to talk about should conversation struggle. And you can let your meandering either lead you to something more exciting (if it’s going well) or straight home for an awkward butt-out hug if you want to bail.
Sit down dinner – 14.61%
A bold, if not traditional, move. (If people in their early 20s are still doing this, we’re surprised.) These are the types of first-daters who slip out to the bathroom halfway through their meal to check their texts. Dinner on a first date says, I’m serious about going somewhere, and I will sit across from you all night to prove it.
Party – 11.40%
‘So, do you, like, want to party?’ No, Brad, we don’t. But apparently more than one in 10 first-daters would like to step up to your keg stand for the evening.
Catch a movie – 6.25%
We’re surprised more people don’t want to go sit in a dark room together and not talk for two hours as a first shared experience.
Go for a run – 6.10%
Hey, they say it lets the endorphins out. So you’ll be feeling good by the end of it. The only way a run goes badly is if one (or both) of you is uber competitive and the date switches to a race faster than you can say, “I’m sorry I tripped you I just really hate losing.”