A Canadian First World War soldier was just identified with DNA technology

Oct 31 2022, 4:54 pm

The Canadian government has announced a First World War soldier has been identified using DNA technology more than 100 years after he died.

The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have confirmed the identification of remains recovered during a munitions clearing process in Vendin-le-Vieil, France, as being those of Private Harry Atherton, a Canadian soldier of the First World War.

In July 2017, human remains were recovered during a munitions-clearing process north of Lens, France. Commonwealth War Graves Commission staff recovered the remains and several artifacts, including an identification disc and insignias of the 10th Battalion.

The identity of the remains was confirmed through a variety of processes including historical, genealogical, anthropological, archaeological, and DNA analysis.

Harry Atherton was born in Leigh, England, in 1893, and grew up in Tyldesley, England. He moved to Canada in 1913 by himself. He settled in McBride, British Columbia, and worked as a carpenter before enlisting in March 1916.

Atherton joined the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) with the 63rd Canadian Infantry Battalion (Edmonton) at the age of 23.

ID disc found with the remains of Private Atherton. (Government of Canada)

Brass Canada shoulder title found with the remains of Private Atherton. (Government of Canada)

The following month, the private left the port of Saint John, New Brunswick, bound for England. After training, he arrived in France in July 1916, as a member of the 10th Canadian Infantry Battalion, and fought in several battles before being wounded and sent back to England to recover. He returned to the front in March 1917.

On 15 August 1917, Private Atherton fought with the 10th Battalion during the first day of the Battle of Hill 70 near Lens. He was reported as wounded that day but later reports stated that he had been killed in action. He was 24 years old. The Battle of Hill 70 continued until 25 August 1917, with a heavy toll of more than 10,000 Canadians killed, wounded, or missing. The 10th Battalion suffered 429 casualties, 71 with no known grave.

The CAF says it has notified the family of Private Atherton’s identification and is providing them with ongoing support.

Atherton will be buried at the earliest opportunity in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s Loos British Cemetery in Loos-en-Gohelle, France.

The Canadian Armed Forces’ Casualty Identification Program, within the Directorate of History and Heritage, identifies unknown Canadian service members when their remains are recovered. The program also identifies service members previously buried as unknown soldiers when there is sufficient evidence to confirm the identification.

“The identification of Private Atherton gives the Canadian Armed Forces the opportunity to pay its respects and provide him with a final resting place,” said Anita Anand, minister of national defence.

“His courage and selfless service can never be fully repaid. But Canada will remember and honour him, and those like him who gave so much for this country in the First World War. To his family, I extend my sympathy and gratitude.”

Veterans Affairs Canada works with the Casualty Identification Program to identify next of kin and supports the participation of the two closest next of kin in the burial ceremony overseas.

Since 2007, the Casualty Identification Program has successfully identified the human remains of 31 Canadians, while five sets of remains have been buried as unknown soldiers in cases where identification was not possible. Additionally, since 2019 the program has identified the grave of one Canadian.

Laine MitchellLaine Mitchell

Laine Mitchell is the Alberta Editor based in Edmonton. He grew up in a small town west of the capital region, where he also landed his first job as a reporter at a radio station. After that, he moved on to CTV News Edmonton in 2018, before joining Daily Hive in 2021. In his downtime he can be found running in the river valley, grabbing coffee with friends, jetting off to enjoy the mountains, or listening to Taylor Swift. Laine also enjoys spending hours discussing pop culture, current events, and everything in between.

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