Canadian Film Board app takes users back in time to 1940s Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 6:22 pm

Ever wanted to experience what parts of Vancouver would be like in the 1940s? A new app for Apple iOS devices gives you the chance to do just that.

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, “Circa 1948” lets users explore two of post-war Vancouver’s more vibrant areas: Hogan’s Alley, an “immigrant neighbourhood renowned for its beer garden, bawdy house and gambling den” and the old Hotel Vancouver – places that don’t exist in modern times.

While experiencing the sights and sounds of a bygone era, users of the app can follow an unfolding story, inspired by true events, through the CBC radio broadcasts and character conversations that take place in the game.

But where there is life in the game, there is also the spectre of something worse. Ghostly apparitions sometimes appear and what they have to say is worth listening to.

The “Circa 1948” app is just one aspect of a three-part project from the NFB’s Stan Douglas and Loc Dao, unveiled today at New York’s Tribeca Film Festival.

There is also an interactive website, as well as a virtual reality styled game where players use their physical bodies to explore the game world. While the virtual reality game is currently only available to be played at Tribeca, Dao says he hopes to be able to bring it to multiple Canadian cities over the next year.

Download the app here.

Featured Image: National Film Board

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