Canadian Federal Election Debate Vs. United States V.P. Debate

Dec 19 2017, 11:41 am

So with two political debates tonight, I pose to you this question. Which debate, if any will you tune into? A recent survey of Global TV viewers favoured the United States V.P. debate (tonight at 6pm on CNN) over our country’s own Prime Minister debate. In fact it wasn’t even close, 80% – 20% margin, oh but there is a 5% sampling error. Egregious asshattery at its finest.

The Urban Dweller can understand the allure of the American media and their fascination with Sarah Palin. Lets face it, some northern hick from a state the size of freaking Winnipeg is running for V.P. and is a heart beat away from the Presidency. Egregious. What the fuck goes on in Alaska anyways? Apparently, the media has the bar so low that she is bound to impress. Fucktarded, no? You’d think that the bar should not be lowered for anybody in that position. Thank you Sarah Palin for setting the womens movement back 20 years.

Our leaders will be debating on Global tonight. If you have interest in Canadian politics, I’m sure you’ll be tuning in. The individuals that need to be educated on our political parties and their respective platforms probably just don’t give a fuck. Whatever. Or is it that our debates aren’t publicized as much as our neighbours to the south? Who knows, who cares.

By the way I’ve delayed my small business profile this week. Look for it this weekend or I might skip it altogether. I’m to busy throwing darts at that asshat Jim Cramer’s face at trying to figure out the stock market with my calculator brain. Viz.

(Photos courtesy of and