Canada added 67,200 jobs in September

Oct 8 2016, 12:19 am

Good news job seekers. Employment in Canada increased by 67,200 in September, according to the latest figures from Statistics Canada.

See also

Statistics show that while the Canadian workforce stood at 18,049,500 in August, it rose to 18,116,700 in September.

Employment numbers in Canada

Having said that, the unemployment rate was unchanged at 7%, as more people found jobs. There wasn’t much change in employment numbers for anyone under 55 either.

Good news in Alberta

Unemployment rates in Ontario and British Columbia hardly changed, still standing at 6.6% and 5.7% respectively. Worth noting – BC’s unemployment rate is the lowest in Canada.

But, there was much needed good news for Alberta, where 13,000 more jobs were added in September; as more people found work, the unemployment rate stayed the same at 8.5%.

And in Quebec too, employment increased by 38,000 in September, edging the unemployment rate down to 6.9%, the lowest since the start of 2008.

Jenni SheppardJenni Sheppard

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