Canada "much more aligned" with Biden on values: Trudeau

Jan 22 2021, 6:34 pm

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada is “much more aligned” with US President Joe Biden when it comes to values and building more opportunities for the future.

During a press conference on Friday, Trudeau said Canada is in a situation where “we are much more aligned on values, on focus, on work that needs to be done on giving opportunities to everyone while we build a better future.”

He added, “I’m very much looking forward to working with President Biden.”

The prime minister noted in his call later today with the US president that he will express his concern about the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline which has especially hurt jobs in Saskatchewan and Alberta.

However, he said the two leaders and countries are aligned on values when it comes to creating jobs and opportunities for everyone by investing “in the fight against climate change” as a way of growing the economy.

Trudeau added that they will have a “coordinated and aggressive” approach in stepping up COVID-19 measures.

“Canadians and Americans are more than just neighbours. We are allies, partners, and friends. Together we face some of the greatest challenges the world has ever seen, so I know that we’re ready to work shoulder-to-shoulder to defeat COVID-19 and rebuild economies that work for everyone.”

Trudeau is the first foreign leader that Biden will call.

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