Vancouver's Camilo the Magician looks to shock and awe in 7th season

Dec 19 2017, 10:42 pm

Watching a magician do their tricks on TV or YouTube is cool, but when you get to see them make that magic happen in front of your eyes sure is something else.

Born and raised in Bogota, Colombia, Camilo Dominguez (aka Camilo the Magician) moved to Victoria, B.C. to pursue his education at the age of 15, where he explored acting and performing opportunities.

Camilo attended the School of Magic Arts in Bogota, under the mentorship of renowned magician Richard Sarmiento, completed the Production Program at Langara’s Studio 58, attended classes at the New York Conservatory for the Dramatic Arts in New York and completed the Theatre History Exchange Program in London – and had the tools under his belt to tour and perform his illusions in front of live audiences.

After a successful season in 2014 that brought his shows to Vancouver, Victoria, Whitehorse and Bagota, Camilo returns to Granville Island’s The Revue Stage with his 7th season of unique magic shows. Misterio, Camilo’s latest and greatest, brings his outstanding and original magic illusions, along with his unique sense of humour and sleek sleight of hand.

Image: Camilo the Magician

Image: Camilo the Magician

Camilo recently surprised the Vancity Buzz team, literally leaving everyone in awe of the tricks he performed.

We had a chance to talk to Camilo ahead of his 7th season, which premieres on Friday, April 10 at The Revue Stage.

When did you know you wanted to be a magician?

I was fortunate to realize I really liked magic when I was four years old, but I don’t really know exactly why. Then, when I was in high school, I realized I wanted to be a magician for real. I wanted to be a magician 24/7.

What did your family say when you told them?

My family has supported me from the very beginning. When I first started, they said that if I wanted to become a magician, I had to aim to be the very best.

How long do you need to practice to get the tricks right?

It really depends on the kind of trick. Some of them I can learn or create in a couple of minutes, but others take much longer. I have lots of tricks that I have been working on for a couple of years, if not my entire career.

What’s your favourite trick to do?

I love all my tricks that involve cards. Every “trick” effect is different.

What’s your favourite part of being a magician?

Being able to amaze people. Being able to allow people to forget about the real world for a couple of minutes and let them enjoy something they cannot really explain.

Is there one magician you look up to and want to be like?

I really enjoy watching Lance Burton, who is one of my favourite magicians. I also enjoy Pepe Carrol. However, I don’t necessarily want to be like them, I learn a lot from watching both of them though.

What’s in store for the future?

More shows with newer and bigger illusions. Summer camps for people of all ages to learn magic illusions. And obviously Misterio starting this Friday and Saturday. I’m very excited!

Camilo the Magician presents Misterio

Benefiting Morquio B

When: April 10, 11, 17, 18 at 8 p.m.

Where: The Revue Stage – 1601 Johnston Street, Vancouver (Granville Island)

Tickets: $30 – buy online

For more information, visit and follow Camilo on Twitter (@camilotmagician), Facebook and Instagram (@camilothemagician).

Don’t miss out on your chance to see Camilo the Magician! After all, how many people have a song named after them?

“Camilo (the Magician)” by Vancouver’s Said the Whale:

[youtube id=”Ar0bmGshhTs”]

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