Bring on the Hawks!

Dec 19 2017, 11:49 am

(photo courtesy of the Province)

Tomorrow night at 6:00 pm the Canucks will commence their epic quest to finally hoisting the Stanley Cup. The city is jacked and the car flags seem to be growing in numbers everday, playoff beards are popping up all over the place. This playoff run has a different vibe to it, less panic and more restrained jubilation from the locals as if we all know that this team is on the cusp of greatness.
To those that bash the Robson Street celebrations after Canuck victories, you apparently don’t quite get the love we have for this game or are an old fart. This sport means as much to us as football does to Europe as baseball (I still don’t see the appeal) or American football means to the U.S. Fanaticism is expected when it comes to play off hockey. Don’t worry there are only 12 more wins to go.

The ultimate celebration will be in June!


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