5 reasons to register for Bike to Work Week Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 11:04 pm

Every spring and fall, thousands of Vancouverites pump up their tires to cycle to work during Bike to Work Week from May 25 to 31.

Since the first BTWW in 2007, nearly 10,000 people have tried to work for the very first time. This season’s week will see over 50 motivational Celebrations Stations setup on high-traffic bike paths where commuters can stop for free coffee and snacks, pick up information about cycling in Metro Vancouver, get a free bike tune-up and enter to win great prizes.

You can also log your bike trips each day and be entered to win daily grand prize bikes and, if you register with your company, can compete with other workplaces around the city.

So far over 1,800 riders have registered with over 400 of them being new riders.

Here are five reasons to register for Bike to Work Week.

1. The prizes

With over 100 prizes, including a trip for two to Europe and six new bikes up for grabs, why wouldn’t you sign up?

Image courtesy of Bike Hub

Image courtesy of Bike Hub

2. You’ll look and feel great

Get that summer beach body by accident.

Image courtesy of Bike Hub

Image courtesy of Bike Hub

3. It’s often faster

Trips to and from work in the city are usually faster by bike – plus you don’t have to drive around in search of parking!

There are lots of statistics supporting this for trips under 5 km. During the HUB Share the Road Challenge, which takes place during rush hour each spring, people on bikes arrive downtown first 75 per cent of the time.

4. Save cash

Don’t you want to have extra money to spend on things other than transportation?

According to the Canadian Automobile Association, the average yearly cost of owning a car is over $10,000 (including gas, insurance, depreciation, parking, repairs, car payments, etc.). For most of us, that’s over two months of working just to pay for our car! By biking to work most of the time, and taking transit or car-sharing when you need to, you’ll save thousands of dollars each year.

Image courtesy of Bike Hub

Image courtesy of Bike Hub

5. It’s more fun

Try it and you’ll agree! Register Today at bikehub.ca/btww.


Vancity Buzz is a proud sponsor of Bike to Work Week.

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