Bike Across Canada For The Environment

Dec 19 2017, 11:50 am

These two gals are going to bike across Canada and thus need the media coverage to help them out on their journey. They need funding, so we are doing our part by sharing it on the Buzz. If you got media hook-ups and find this cause worthy it would be great if you could pass it along.
Here is the press release:

Our Bright Future

Who We Are

We are two passionate and motivated Canadian youth who understand the problems and solutions to climate change.We are driven by the moral imperative of climate change and by the right to survival of our generation and future generations.

What We are Doing

Beginning July 3rd, I, Nadia Nowak, will be cycling from Pender Island to Winnipeg and my sister, Martina Nowak, will be cycling all the way to Ottawa.We are cycling as part of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) “Seal the Deal: Youth Action Activities” in which the voices of youth from around the world will be brought to an extremely important United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen this December. We will gather the voices of Canada`s youth and children and bring them to this international conference.

Why We are Doing It

This is a very important time for us.Climate Change is the most serious threat to civilization today; we must act quickly to ensure our safety, the safety of future generations and of all life on earth.At the last UN summit in Poznan, Canada received the “Colossal Fossil” award for doing the most to block progress on a climate deal.This must change.What we do in the next 1-2 years will define our future on earth.We need to switch to an economy based on renewable energy and conservation.The technology is developed; we can do this, but we need the support of our government leaders to help us implement it.Please join us on this path to a world that has energy in perpetuity, that is more peaceful, that is more equitable and that celebrates the beauty of the natural world.

How you can Help

For this campaign to be successful and for it to reach out to as many Canadians as possible, we need three things: media coverage, connections with locations along our route and sponsorship.We need media coverage so people know we are coming to their town and so that people know that the climate crisis is the greatest threat to civilization.We need connections with locations along our route so we can generate media coverage and gather voices of the youth and children as we pass through.We need sponsorship so we can pay for accommodation, food, gear and outreach materials.

Contact Information

Please do not hesitate to be in touch with Nadia Nowak, E-mail: northern(at) or phone: 250-886-9669.
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