Here are the best places to work in Vancouver, according to Vancouverites

Dec 20 2017, 5:21 am

Vancouverites have spoken, and named their dream employers in the city.

The top employers are, unsurprisingly, largely government-related, with the City of Vancouver, the City of Burnaby, and the City of Surrey all making the list, which was compiled by Insights West. Other notable companies include video game giant Electronic Arts, alongside sports teams like the BC Lions and outdoor enthusiasts’ paradise MEC.


As well as recommending their favourite employers, it turns out that more Vancouverites are actually enjoying their jobs these days too. Nearly a quarter of us are “delighted” with our jobs, while half of us say we’re “happy.” The other quarter say they’re “not so happy,” down 6% from last year.

Another 42% say they have absolutely no intention of abandoning their jobs, a 13% increase since last year.

“In our third year of conducting the survey, we have found that job satisfaction and loyalty is increasing in this tight labour market,” says Steve Mossop, President of Insights West in a release.

“With economic growth in British Columbia topping the country, housing prices at an all-time high, and job growth increasing, employees are stopping to pause, and are a bit more reticent about leaving the safety of their current job.”

Insights West polled more than 2,300 Vancouverites to find out their level of job satisfaction and another 6,264 to discover their dream workplaces. Insights West compiled a list of the 20 best jobs in the city based on those responses – maybe the people who say they’re “delighted” with their jobs work at these places?

Top 20 places to work in Metro Vancouver

  • BC Children’s Hospital / BC Women’s Hospital
  • BC Hydro
  • BC Lions
  • BC Liquor Distribution Board / BC Liquor Stores
  • British Columbia Lottery Corporation
  • City of Surrey
  • City of Burnaby
  • City of Vancouver
  • David Suzuki Foundation
  • Electronic Arts
  • Hootsuite
  • Mountain Equipment Co-op
  • Tourism Vancouver
  • UBC
  • Vancity
  • Vancouver Aquarium
  • Vancouver Canucks Sports & Entertainment
  • Vancouver International Airport
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