Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

We the good folks at Vancity Buzz pondered long and hard about how to award the outlandishly dimwitted, retarded and straight out buffoonery that is displayed time and time again. This award will be handed out every month to the person whose head is so far up their rear end it could pass for a hat. Someone that is described as a person who is stubborn, cruel, or otherwise unpleasant to be around. Neither politicians, writers, TV personalities nor your next door neighbour will be left out in the evaluation of who wins this prestigious award.

Mr. Skeets wanted an award that most befitted this very type of individual. His first name for the award was”Shit Piece of the Month”. We all had a good laugh, The Schwab laughed so hard he started choking on a pretzel. But we concurred it was not harsh enough. So we canned “Shit Piece of the Month”. Kudos for the vulgarity but sorry Money J maybe next time. After hours of contemplation we all agreed on “Ass Hat of the Month”. We will post the inaugural winner tomorrow so stay tuned…
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