29 of the most stunning Vancouver sunsets of summer 2015 (PHOTOS)

Dec 20 2017, 1:30 am

They don’t exactly call us the sunset country – you’ll have to go to Ontario to find that – but this summer has not failed to deliver some awe-inspiring sunsets over the Vancouver skyline.

Our city was treated to warm and bright sunsets almost every evening this summer, thanks to unusually dry weather. To say goodbye to the summer that was and welcome the fall, we have compiled some screen-saver worthy images shared on the Vancity Buzz Flickr pool.

But first; a quick science lesson. Ever wonder why sunsets are as gorgeous as they are? We have the answer.

Physics shows that when the sun begins to go down at the end of the day, its light needs to pass through more and more atmosphere the lower it gets. The sun’s blue-coloured light waves scatter out of view, leaving only the red, pink and orange tones illuminated in the sky we see.

When that light mixes with clouds high in the atmosphere, blue, pink and purple colours are reflected, creating one of those ‘cotton candy’ style sunsets everyone loves.

Now you know.

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