BDC Young Entrepreneurs Awards

Dec 19 2017, 3:13 pm

Vancouver is rapidly developing as a global hotspot for budding entrepreneurs. In fact, Startup Genome recently ranked Vancouver ninth in the world, up from 16 the previous year. Part of what makes this all possible is a community and culture that is willing to support people bent on creating change and the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) Young Entrepreneurs Awards are just that.

This year’s competition boasts $125,000 in prizes and consulting. More importantly, it is going to provide winners with credibility, a network, mentors and a stage to share their vision. The award is available to anyone aged 18 to 35 and has a business that is undergoing a pivot. One team from each province and one from the territories will be selected to compete in the finals.   The application process can be found on their website, but it is about as painless as it gets.  To enter all you need to do is create a one to two minute video outlining the decisive moment your company decided it needed to pivot and how you plan on getting on that path for growth.

To understand a little more about what the experience was like I caught up with last year’s 2nd place winner Mike Miltimore. Mike has seen some explosive growth since the contest last year. In addition to the $25,000 he won in consulting, he also received mentorship, a vastly expanded network and national press. He attributes all of those helping him get to where he is today, which just so happens to include opening up a new manufacturing warehouse and international orders. Boom.

If you want to better wrap your head around the process and what has been successful make sure to check out the Entrepreneurs at a Crossroads web series.

Photo Courtesy: Business development Candaa

Written by Daniel Eberhard. Connect me with @danno_go or on my personal webpage Urban Sherpa



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