New BC politics podcast debuts in Vancouver

Nov 4 2017, 4:56 am

Presented by Daily Hive, the Confab Diary podcast features two friends who are from the opposite ends of the political spectrum.

On the right side there is Maz Artang, with his ballot ticked for the BC Liberals and the Federal Conservatives. On the left side there is Dammy Og, who supports the NDP.

Both hosts come from the Vancouver area and are alumnus from Simon Fraser University majoring in Communication, and Political Science respectively.

The Confab Diary is a relaxed, no-holds-barred podcast. Both guys are not afraid to speak their minds, and they have come together to share their opinions on politics, international affairs, popular culture and sports.

The podcast will feature a variety of guests from politicians, celebrities, and influencers that align with the topics covered.

Expect a different take on BC Politics. Raw, edgy, no holds barred opinions from two dudes who aren’t afraid to speak their mind.

Subscribe to the podcast

Check out the first episode featuring former Attorney General and leadership candidate for the BC Liberal Party, Andrew Wilkinson.

More on Andrew Wilkinson

Twitter: @Wilkinson4BC

More on The Confab Diary

Instagram: theconfabdiary
Maz Artang: Instagram / Twitter
Dammy Og: Instagram / Twitter

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