Morning Buzz: Who Needs $40 Million Anyways?

Dec 19 2017, 1:28 pm

B.C. puts brakes on $40-million BC Place renaming deal with Telus. It’s not like we spent $563 million on a new stadium that has a twin brother (or sister) over in Poland. What’s $40 million anyways, the government is flush with cash and, oh never mind.

The B.C. Liberals are spiraling out of control and they better pray to god Carole James makes a comeback. Say what you want about Gordon Campbell, the guy was a shrude businessman. Something this government lacks right now. Sorry Christy, family day won’t save you.  Anyone know if its to late to get Carole Taylor to come back?
Teachers are back to work today after 3 days of action. They want more money, to the tune of a 15% pay increase. Nobody is going to debate that teachers aren’t valuable and don’t deserve to be well compensated, well at least the ones that actually care about their jobs and the kids do. But what about the ones that go into teaching because they get Christmas, spring break and summer vacation? Don’t pretend those teachers don’t exist, they’re out there and they are quite a few of them. Why should they get similar compensation to teachers that actually put in work?

The truth is both the union reps and the B.C. government must acknowledge that the teaching system is broken. We’re talking about an educational system that is from the industrial age, where unionization made sense. It’s 2012, it’s time for an overhaul. Nobody says it’s going to be easy but things need to change. Year round schooling could be a good start, but then teachers will lose their precious summer vacations. Won’t somebody please think of the children!?

If the union wants their demands met, then scrap seniority, scrap the notion of job security for life (unless of course you sleep with or hit a student) and change the way and what we teach our children.  The system is overly bureaucratic. Trim the fat, you’ll have more money to serve the kids. It is after all about them, right?

We want to make Kony famous. But should we?

Winter is coming to Vancouver on March 23rd. Everybody from The Simpsons to the lady in the condo across the street that never works, but drives a fancy car is waiting for Game of Thrones season 2.

Image by Vancouver Southsiders

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