BC NDP to vote for new party leader in September

Dec 19 2017, 5:25 pm

The BC New Democratic Party will announce a new leader at an event on September 28th in Vancouver following a four-day voting period.

“We have set in place rules for a modern, fair, one-member one-vote leadership election,” said Craig Keating, President of the BC NDP. “I’m looking forward to an exciting leadership election with great candidates presenting a positive vision for our province.”

Leadership voting will take place from September 24-27, 2014, with party members voting by preferential ballot ahead of September 28. The party’s chief electoral officer will tabulate the results on September 28, and the winner will be announced at an event that evening. Members will cast their ballots using a telephone and Internet voting system.

Following a stunning defeat against Christy Clark’s Liberals during last May’s provincial election, BC NDP leader Adrian Dix announced he would resign from the party once a new leader is chosen.

It remains to be seen who will run for the seat of the leader of the opposition party.

Source/Image: BC NDP

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