BC minister "cannot remain silent" about anti-Asian hate crimes

May 15 2020, 11:26 pm

After a recent rise in crimes and assaults targeting BC’s Asian population, BC’s Multiculturalism Minister said she “cannot remain silent” on the issue.

In a statement, Anne Kang said she is “deeply saddened by the recent rise in racially motivated physical and verbal attacks and vandalism against people of Asian heritage in our province since the COVID-19 outbreak.”

Kang said that as someone who moved to Canada from Taiwan herself, she is “outraged that anyone would engage in acts of discrimination, hate or violence.”

She added that “Chinese Canadians have deep roots in this province,” and “over many generations, Chinese Canadians have worked alongside all British Columbians to build the vibrant, multicultural society we enjoy today.”

Adding that COVID-19 is “impacting all of us” and that these are unprecedented challenging times, Kang said that “acts of violence and aggression will not be tolerated.”

There is absolutely no place, she added, “for hate in our society.”

Instead, “now is a time to stand together and condemn these actions that seek to divide. Kindness will bring us through this global health crisis stronger than ever as we work to build a more inclusive and welcoming province.”

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