BC health officials provide clarity to regional COVID gathering restrictions

Nov 9 2020, 5:36 pm

BC health officials have provided clarity on their regional COVID-19 restrictions regarding gatherings announced over the weekend.

The orders — which apply to the Vancouver Coastal and Fraser Health regions — affect four areas: social gatherings, travel, indoor group physical activities, and workplace safety.

The restrictions clamped down on gatherings of any size with members outside of your immediate household.

It includes indoor and outdoor gatherings and overrides the previous gathering limit of 50 people.

Funerals and weddings will be allowed to proceed, but only with your immediate household, and receptions will not be allowed.

However, the restrictions still left many British Columbians with questions around gatherings outdoors and in restaurants and what the province meant by “immediate household.”

On Sunday, the BC Ministry of Health followed up with a statement to provide clarity to the confusion.

On social gatherings

The Ministry of Health confirmed there are to be no social gatherings of any size with anyone other than your immediate household. This includes outdoors and in restaurants.

What defines your “immediate household”?

Your immediate household is “the people you spend the most time with and are physically close to,” stated the ministry.

These are the people who are part of your regular routine and include your household members, immediate family, a close friend or the people you come into “regular close contact with,” like a co-parent who lives outside the household.

“For others, their core bubble may contain a partner, relative, friend or co-parent who lives in a different household.”

Your immediate household can count as:

  • Your immediate family
  • A group of people who live in the same dwelling. For example:
    • If you have a rental suite in your home, the suite is a separate household
    • If you live in an apartment or house with roommates, you are all members of the same household

What if you live alone?

If you live alone, you cannot host gatherings. However, you are allowed to see members of what you consider your “immediate household” (see definition above). You can see these individuals at home or at a restaurant.

What about walking with someone outside your household?

Going for a walk “isn’t considered a social gathering” but residents are asked to remain “vigilant” to ensure the walk doesn’t “turn into a group of people gathering outside,” said officials.

Conflicting messages from health authorities

On Sunday, the Vancouver Coastal Health region also put out a statement regarding the new orders.

VCH initially stated that the order “applies to social gatherings inside private residences and receptions following weddings and funerals,” adding that “all other outdoor gatherings can continue according to pre-existing Public Health guidelines and previous orders.”

Many were quick to point out that VCH’s messaging differed from that of the BC Ministry of Health.

VCH later updated the information to clarify that outdoor gatherings were not allowed.

The new BC COVID-19 regional restrictions will last until November 23 at 12 pm and are applicable for these specific communities.

Complete details on the order can be found here.

Simran SinghSimran Singh

Simran is a senior staff writer for Daily Hive's national and trending team. She's previously worked as a managing editor for the Burnaby Beacon and city editor for Daily Hive Vancouver. Got a story tip? Get in touch: [email protected]

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