BC has most giving Canadians per 100 people: Vancouver ranks second after Victoria

Dec 19 2017, 2:39 pm

As we are nearing the end of 2012, CanadaHelps.org has looked back at the year and compiled a breakdown by geography and sector of charitable donations from Canadians who donated through the CanadaHelps.org website. CanadaHelps.org is Canada’s online resource that makes it easy for people to donate securely online to any registered charity in Canada.

Which regions are the most charitable? Which charitable sectors received the most donations? Here is a  peek at some of the figures and trends that CanadaHelps.org has uncovered for 2012, including for BC for you to share with your readers:

  • Victoria has the most donations by population (7.9 donations per 100 people)
  • Vancouver has the second most donations by population (2.1 donations per 100 people)
  • Toronto and Calgary tied with 1.7 donation per 100 people
  • Toronto has the most overall donations by a city (45,003) and the most dollar amount donated ($5.02 million)
  • Provincially, BC ranked third for total dollar donations ($6.2 million)
  • Ontarians donated a total of $17.3 million, and Albertans donated at total of $7.8 million
  • BC also ranked second for total number of donations (49,707)
  • Ontario had the most number of donations (167,108)
  • Donations to religious organizations grew by 34 per cent over last year, continuing to be the most popular sector.
  • The biggest decrease in donations was for the “charitable/voluntary development” sector, which includes foundations, United Ways and volunteer centres. Giving was down 15 per cent to this sector over last year.
CanadaHelps.org  Infographic (1)

CanadaHelps.org has facilitated more than $275 million in donations to Canadian charities online since it launched in 2000. The mission of CanadaHelps.org is to engage Canadians in the charitable sector and provide accessible and affordable online technology to promote charitable giving in Canada.