Nearly $120k in fines issued for breaking COVID-19 rules

Nov 12 2020, 5:30 pm

Nearly $120,000 in tickets have been issued for breaking COVID-19 rules and regulations since the fines came into place.

Earlier this week, BC extended its provincial state of emergency, which has been in effect since mid-March. Officials also explained that more than 100 tickets had been issued for not complying with the COVID-19 Related Measures Act or the Federal Quarantine Act.

“The province continues to use, with the support of police and other enforcement officials, measures under the Emergency Program Act to limit the spread of COVID-19,” reads a statement from the Provincial Government.

Between August 21 and November 9, 2020, 47 tickets have been issued to owners and organizers who contravened public orders.

This includes 19 $2,300 tickets for breaking rules around gatherings and events, two $2,300 tickets for contravening guidelines around food and liquor, and 26 smaller tickets of $230 to individuals who refused to comply with law enforcement.

The provincial government adds that 58 violation tickets, totalling over $64,000, have also been issued to individuals who break the Quarantine Act. The Quarantine Act requires that anyone returning to Canada quarantine or self-isolate for 14 days, along with a number of other requirements.

BC’s COVID-19 Related Measures Act rolled out in late-August. Implemented by Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth, the Act came into effect after previous warnings from the provincial government of “tougher measures” for those that don’t follow rules around COVID-19.

“Our government will continue to ensure that police and other enforcement officials have the tools necessary to address the selfish actions of a small minority of people who take needless risks with our collective health,” says Farnworth.

Vincent PlanaVincent Plana

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