B.C. Place May Get A New Roof After All

Dec 19 2017, 11:54 am

Remember back when we told you guys about the new roof on B.C. Place. No, well here is a link to refresh your memory. Anyways, a lot has changed since then, the economy is in the crapper and with the dollar inching ever so close to parity with the U.S. dollar our economic recovery will be take longer. So with that being said the Provincial government scrapped the idea of a taxpayer funded new roof for B.C. Place, good idea. Gordo may not be liked by many, but he is a savvy business person. Something I believe more politicians should be (insert laughs at the NDP and their leader here).

This brings us to the new saviors of B.C. Place, Mr. Braley and Aquilini. According to this article both Braley and Aquilini are willing to fund the new roof in exchange for the rights to develop the land around B.C. Place. I think it’s a win-win situation. We get a new roof and the province sells the land to competent people who know what development is all about.  Now if only some of that development is significant office spaceand I’d be a happy camper.

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