B.C. to change liquor laws to permit Happy Hour, kids in pubs

Dec 19 2017, 5:10 pm

Premier Christy Clark has confirmed that major changes to the province’s liquor laws are coming.

Part of the changes include permitting Happy Hour discounted pricing, allowing restaurant patrons to order drinks without having to also order food, and allowing minors to enter pubs.

Her government is in favour of these changes following the results of the recent public review on provincial liquor laws which recommended 70 changes.

However, there’s a catch. Minors will only be allowed into liquor establishments such as pubs up until a certain time. Happy Hour pricing will also likely offer only modest discounts as it will be highly restricted to the provincial government’s minimum pricing for drinks.

The ‘Serving It Right’ responsible beverage service program will also be expanded to include all servers in B.C.’s 5,600 licensed restaurants and staff working at liquor and wine stores.

Image: Minerva Studio / Shutterstock


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