Anti-pipelines demonstrator arrested by Vancouver Police, student kneed in takedown (VIDEO)

Dec 19 2017, 6:28 pm

A video of an anti-pipelines demonstrator being forcefully arrested by Vancouver Police Department officers has surfaced on YouTube today.

According to the video’s description, the individual was a high-school student taking pictures and was screaming “I’m a minor”. The video recorded yesterday shows officers using force in order to subdue the individual who was resisting arrest.

“The Vancouver Police Department facilitate hundreds of peaceful protests in the city ever year and unfortunately there are those that try to hijack demonstrations with the intent on committing criminal acts and jeopardizing public safety. That of course includes the safety of lawful demonstrators,” VPD Constable Brian Montague told Vancity Buzz.

“Regrettably, there are times our officers are required to use force. What is important to remember is that we never have to use force if the person being arrested complies.”

Three people were arrested during the ‘Beat the Pipelines’ rally in the streets of downtown Vancouver.

[youtube id=”aii5AxxGp8Y”]

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