Unsurprisingly, most Canadians say 'good riddance' to 2016 in recent poll

Dec 29 2016, 12:04 am

Plenty would call 2016 the “worst year ever.”

So much so, it was a trending narrative about 2016, according to a recent report by the Angus Reid Institute.

The Institute polled Canadians about the past year, asking whether it has been a good or bad one for themselves, their country, and the world at large.

In response, Canadians had a dim view of all three. Overall, an equal 31 per cent said the year was good and bad on a personal level. Although that number changed, as 38 per cent viewed this past year as bad for Canada, where only 25 per cent saw it as good.

The numbers changed drastically when polled about the United States where 65 per cent felt negatively about the U.S. this year.

Angus Reid Institute

Provincially, Manitobans seemed most happy with their year, while residents of Newfoundland and Labrador and Alberta were the opposite. Both provinces had been hit by unemployment throughout the year, leaving residents feeling unsatisfied with 2016. Over 70 per cent viewed Alberta’s year as a bad one for their province.

Angus Reid Institute

Among the Poll’s key findings were:

  • Some two-in-three Canadians (65 per cent) said the year in which Americans elected Donald Trump president was a bad one for the neighbours to the south
  • More than half (53 per cent) said 2016 was bad for their own individual province, and more Canadians say it was bad for their country (38 per cent) than good (25 per cent)
  • Canadians are split over whether the last 12 months have been good to them personally, though those under age 35 are more positive about the year they’ve had

And with that, we bid 2016 a good riddance.

Here’s hoping for a better year in 2017.

See also