Adopt Me: 13 cats and kittens looking for forever homes right meow

Mar 15 2019, 3:44 am

Looking to add a new furry friend to your household? There’s never been a better time.

These cats from Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association — or VOKRA – are adoptable right now and looking for a home to call their own. This fantastic non-profit group is run by volunteers and is dedicated to rescuing cats in the Lower Mainland.  Each year it adopts out more than 1,400 cats and kittens.

Interested? Head to its website to learn more and fill out an application.

The group also has many more adults ready for adoption right meow and, in the coming months, a large number of kittens will be old enough to be adopted.

Aria, 3 years old, Bella-Trix, 3 years old

Aria (VOKRA)

Bella-Trix (VOKRA)

Aria and Bella-Trix are the best of friends and are looking for a forever home together. Aria’s a high-energy kitty looking for a human who won’t get tired of playing fetch. Although she may be a bit shy at first, she quickly warms up to people, especially those willing to play with her. Bella-Trix is a sweet, gentle and very shy kitty. She was trapped as a stray kitten and is still learning that humans can be her friends. She’s looking for a knowledgeable, patient, experienced adopter who’ll continue to work with her. She would be best suited to a quiet, calm home as she is easily scared.

Casper, 7 years old

Casper (Carol Gandra)

Casper’s a very sweet and playful girl. She might come across as shy at first, but once she gets to know you she’s very chatty and playful. She’s definitely a lap cat and loves to be pet. She’ll chirp, chatter and give you a head bump when she wants attention, which is quite often! She even likes her tummy being tickled from time to time. She loves to play and has her favourite toys, including a pink crinkly mouse that she’ll carry around in her mouth and bring to you when she’s ready to play. A wonderful companion, Casper will be a great addition to your life.

Har Gow, 2 years old and Sui Mai, 2 years old 

Har Gow and Sui Mai (Lisa Brideau)

Har Gow and Siu Mai are two friendly and adorable cats looking for an individual or couple to love and pamper them. They’re inseparable and are as loving with people as they are with each other. They like cuddling, being brushed and the company of adults. Someone who spends a fair bit of time at home is ideally suited to these two loving and curious cats.

Jeff, 13 years old

Jeff (VOKRA)

Jeff’s a gentle and sweet purr monster. If you’re looking for a cuddle companion, he’s your guy! He loves lying next to you or on your lap while you scratch under his chin and behind his ears, and he rewards you with licks and cute little chirps. He’s very trusting and warms up to new people easily. He loves sitting with people if you have company and enjoys being brushed very much.

Macska, 6 months old and Cica, 6 months old

Macska and Cica (VOKRA)

Macska and Cica started out as tough street kittens, but have become accustomed to a luxurious indoor life with humans. Macska’s a brave and friendly girl who enjoys watching her humans go about their day from her perch on the cat tree. When not catnapping, she can be found wrestling Cica, stalking lasers and hunting gloves. Cica’s the inquisitive and adventurous sister and is usually the instigator in kitten hijinks, while Macska acts as lookout.

Sheldon, 1 year old

Sheldon (VOKRA)

Sheldon’s a lovely companion and a great comfort to come home to after a long day. He’s affectionate, loves belly rubs and will reward you with the loudest purrs. He also likes to cuddle and sleep with you. He’ll purr even when you’re not petting him since he just likes being around you.

Violeta, 12 years old

Violetta (Jelger + Tania Photographers)

Violeta’s favourite thing to do when you’re lying on the couch is to come up to your arm, put her head in the palm of your hand, rub her head and then curl up and fall asleep. She enjoys balls without bells and plush toys that contain catnip. She’s also very smart and enjoys doing puzzle toys with her food.  She’s very cuddly as long as you’re sitting still, but can be jumpy when people move around too much as sudden movements frighten her. Violeta’s a very shy kitty, but once she gets to know you she’ll be a sweet companion.

Penny, 8 years old and Patrick, 11 years old

Penny (VOKRA)

*Must be adopted together* Patrick and Penny can act like an old married couple together, sometimes playing, sometimes bickering. Patrick doesn’t particularly like sharing his cat bed with her, but Penny will eventually stop putting up with his swipes and meows and plop down next to him, ignoring his protests. They always make up by the end of the day with tongue-baths and cuddly sleeping.

Patrick (VOKRA)

Penny loves keeping you company on the couch and in bed while you’re reading, and as long as your hand is on her she’ll purr like a motor. Patrick has too much pride to actually ask for rubs, but catch him in a relaxed mood and rub his back and his eyes will droop closed and he’ll flex his paws in bliss. On the rare occasions where he deigns to allow you to scratch his belly, you’ll see a truly happy cat.

C’fer, 12 years old

C’fer (VOKRA)

C’fer’s very smart and handsome too. Since he’s a bit older he’s a pretty calm guy and likes to sleep quite a bit, but he does enjoy hanging out with his foster parents and will follow them around asking for pets. His purr is almost as loud as he is big, but his meow’s a little squeaky, which everyone thinks is cute.

Darcy MathesonDarcy Matheson

Darcy Matheson is Daily Hive’s Editor in Chief, overseeing and growing editorial content in our seven North American markets. She loves dogs, chips and pretending she’s going to exercise after work.

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